19 April 2015

EXHIBITION at the nice Gallery APP ART in PERIGUEUX (S.W. France) April 2015

Is this my art???
Ten "miniature" (10 x 10 cm, to 13 x 18 cm) exhibited in a box tabletop.

Facsimile in studio of the second lateral wall.

Front wall - left half.

First lateral wall - second half.

First lateral wall, outer half.

The exhibition at App’Art included
 26 canvases hung on the three wall and a box with ten miniatures (canvas with sides of about 10-15 cm ).   

11 April 2015

Exposition à Périgueux du 13 au 25 avril 2015 à l'App'Art

2013    Far away- too close    canvas 64 x 70 mixed

2014    Indifferent to blood equanimous to storm  canvas 70 x 90 mixte

2013      Elogio dell'Assimetria delle pause       canvas 100 x 105 mixed