14 January 2015

May 2014 at studio in Dordogne.

Nel mio studio  in Dordogne, ogni giorno sono circondato da lavori da finire e altri finiti.
Lavorare nello studio significa trovare: trovare colori, materie, superfici;  domandarsi sempre: Che cosa faccio? Perchè identificarmi con la mia pittura?

In my Dordogne studio, every day I am surrounded by finished and incomplete works.
To work in one’s studio is to find. To come upon shades, surfaces, matters. To paint is to questions oneself: What am I doing? Why identify oneself with one’s painting?

Together were they delivered, one big brother of about 70 x 100 cm and one miniature 10 x 10 cm canvas, both one layer acrylics and then oil strokes to mark rythms.

Rythm is what we already learned in mother’s womb.

Detail of "Rhythms"